Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Inauguration of a new President

This picture is dedicated to Mom, Marni, Kayla, and Morgan.
I heard there were over two million people who were here for inauguration. The crowds were very, very, very excited. Basically, I feel like I've been just on the cusp of excitement for two days. This is why. On Monday we went to a breakfast to celebrate service for MLK Jr. Day and there were celebrities there--Toby McGuire (Spiderman), Maria Shriver, Demi Moore, Ashton Kutcher. However, we were a little late and ended up sitting in the overflow to watch it on a screen. We rushed in afterwards and I saw the back of Toby McGuire and Maria Shriver's heads. Then we went to a service project at a stadium where Michelle Obama was going to be and we missed her by ten minutes. Tried getting free tickets to an Aretha Franklin concert and they were all given away hours before we even got there. Barely made it to the mall for inauguration where we watched it at the World War II Memorial on a jumbotron. Tried to get to the parade route, but it was backed up for two blocks along the whole route, so we just went home. Couldn't even watch it online because our internet was down. Do you see the dilemna? Everything pertaining to seeing this historic event was almost awesome.

But, here are some things that were very awesome. I got to meet up with cousin Kolby for dinner in Georgetown. He is so fun and my friends loved him. I was grateful to feel the connection of family.

I was standing in a crowd of African Americans when Obama took the oath. I could sense what this meant for them. An older gentleman in front of me was wiping tears from his eyes. What a historic moment.

My roommate's friends came into town for inauguration from New York. The one guy was named Ryan. He wore a patriotic outfit that was very much a crowd pleaser. Watching and hearing other's reactions to him was worth freezing my hind end off to almost see inauguration. See bottom picture.

My roommates, Liz and Kim.


Howling Pickup said...

Wow! I would have gone just to see the patriotic outfit as well!! So fun!

Burke Family said...

So cool that you were a part of that (in some way!)

susie said...

Hotel SCAREington! Wow...that brought back lots of memories.
The patriotic outfit is VERY SPECIAL!