Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Highlights and Lowlights

Of last week...

highlight: Two job interviews
lowlight: No job offers

highlight: Liz and I met up with Jill Piacitelli and talked with her for three hours about Motherhouse. She had some amazing and kind insight. I really love her.
lowlight: Found out Dad crushed his femur in a snowmobiling accident. I cried a lot and then remembered that God is good and Dad is resilient. And that Mom would never allow him on a snowmobile again. He's recovering well. I love you, Dad.

Friday and Saturday
highlight: Sunstone Symposium--I heard a lot of interesting thought on Mormon theology. It sparked questions and that's good for my scripture study. Also, I connected with Meili Inouye from Gunnison. Crazy, huh? She remembers Darci and Marni.
lowlight: A few fringe Mormons in the bunch who like to raise doubts rather than ask questions. I don't believe in that approach to the gospel.

higlight: Memorial service for Senator Lantos from California whose widowed wife is in my ward. He was from Hungary, survived a concentration camp, immigrated to America, was heavily involved in human rights, never converted to the church himself, but remained a prominent, although non-religious Jew. The service was full of foreign ambassadors and senators, including Harry Reid, Orrin Hatch, Nancy Pelosi. Elder Holland was the key speaker and it was amazing to feel the contrast in his presence compared to the others. I kept ruminating about how the majority of the crowd didn't even know they were listening to an actual apostle. My roommate Kim and I didn't realize that it would be such a small chapel and of course we had never even met the man, but wanted to hear Elder Holland speak. Let's just say it was tight quarters and we felt slightly out of place. But it was awesome.
lowlight: Nancy Pelosi's off-the-cuff speach. Very boring.


susie said...

I always love reading about your days! I used to think they were a lot more adventuresome than mine....but now I'm not so sure!

Petersen Family said...

If I were single I would like to live your life. MAybe with a job though!

Howling Pickup said...

I think we are all living through you vicariously! Love you and miss you!

Burke Family said...

diddo, diddo! Love you sis..