Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Pleasant days

I needed to post two pictures from my family's recent 4th of July adventure. We spent the weekend in Scofield, Utah...a beautiful little mountain town that hosts a very awkward little 4th of July parade. We actually thought the parade was over after about three entries, but turns out they were just very spread out. At least ten minute invervals

Here is one of the highlights: a restored John Deere tractor. The man driving is a neighbor and family friend from Price...and my dentist growing up. This is the same guy that showed up on our doorstep and asked if I wanted a ride on his Harley. Pulling my wisdom teeth one day...cruising me around Price another day...starring in small-town parades on yet another.

This picture does not do justice to what's happening. This float had a sign that said "YMCA," but there is not a YMCA within 100 miles radius of this town. Following the float were these guys dressed up like the Village People who were doing some slightly provocative dancing to the YMCA song. The old people in the crowd were stunned, the children were crying for candy, and everyone else was very confused. My theory is that these guys did't realize that YMCA is actually an organization, not just the name of a song.
There were hundreds of people at this small-town celebration. That's because small towns do it right when it comes to the 4th--booths with carnival food, "art" for sale, pony rides, an auction, local music, and fireworks over the lake. Lots of small town happiness in the air. I liked it.

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