Saturday, August 20, 2011

This announcement is well over a year late...

But I'm blogging here now:

Someday I might come back to this address.

Until then...

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

imagine all the walking

If it's possible, just try to image the guy in the background playing the song "Imagine" at the Imagine circle in Central Park. There are a lot of innovators out there.

My BFFs were in town for the weekend. This pic is from a walk we took where we walked and walked and walked and walked....and walked to the tune of "Primary children sang as they walked and walked and walked and walked....and walked." We also talked. And rocked.

(Speaking of primary, I'll be teaching the 9-year-olds!)

We saw this...thus the "rocking."

Such a fun weekend. Is it already the end of May? Bah! Slow down summer!!!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

home sweet

Here are some pics of my new place. I really love it.
We live on the top floor of our building. There's tons of natural light, which is heavenly. We are also right in between two subway access to the rest of the city is really convenient. I can't even say how grateful I am to have already spent a month here before making it my home. I don't feel nearly as overwhelmed as I normally would in such a populated space. They say that if you can make it New can make it anywhere. I guess whoever said that didn't take into account Russian labor camps or Chinese torture chambers.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

valleys and such

I made a road trip across America with my dear friend Erin. She was so kind to come with made for a really wonderful time. We covered a variety of important topics like: maybe the altar that Adam built is still intact at Adam-ondi-Ahman and we should just take pictures of many big rocks and assume that one of them is it. Beyond that, we talked a lot about what kind of snacks we had in the car and also came up with some half-baked theories about the lost ten tries of Israel. On our last leg we listened to a book on CD about the Gulag, Gobi desert, and Himalayas. It really helped us get through Wyoming, which is practically equivalent to the Gobi desert. That place is desolate (sorry Tetons and Wind Rivers--I'm sure you actually make up for all the lameness of your state.)

Has anyone else noticed that it's really difficult to find information on the location of Adam-Ondi-Ahman? Chew on that and know that I'll show up at that meeting no matter what because I burned the location into my brain. It's so, so beautiful.

THE altar. Guys, seriously!

Here I am getting dressed in the black robes of the false priesthood (oh, Hugh Nibley). I graduated from George Wythe University on April 24, 2010. It was a quaint and inspiring ceremony. I feel so grateful for my education at this little school. Oliver DeMille's mentoring changed my life. Check out some stuff he's involved with here and here.

Thanks to Mom and Dad and Amber for attending the ceremony. Also, thanks to Mom and Dad for being so encouraging when I went back to school. I never could have done it without your help. And thanks to Amber for being the first in our family to get a graduate degree. It really, really motivated me to keep at it...and you did it under much more challenging circumstances (namely 2 kids and one on the way). You're amazing, sis.

I had a very nice two weeks at home. Southern Utah is a dream...and so are those sweet nieces and nephews.

Then two days in DC with Mom, Dad, Darci, and Cheeks. I'm so glad Mom and Dad got to see where I lived and were able to attend my little ward. I will miss Capitol Hill!

Now I'm in New York...getting all settled and figuring out life in this city. I will just say that walking around Harlem is teaching me what it's like for a black person to live in Utah. There's a level of discomfort that you just have to adjust to...and I am. Did I mention that I heart NYC? Just like all those stupid t-shirts say. It's so great. Pictures of my apartment to come!

Thursday, April 8, 2010


I'm tired.

I defended my thesis today...and passed. (!) Phew. I thought it would relieve some anxiety, but it was just one thing on a checklist of a number of other big items of business to think about. Like driving my car to New York City, which seems like a recipe for disaster. Then unloading all my stuff and carrying it up 5 stories. Then driving across the country to Utah. Then flying back to DC (I think I hate flying). Then taking a bus to New York.

When I at last settle in my new little apartment in Harlem, I think it will begin to hit me that I finally have that degree and that I'm living in an amazing city and that life is full of so many delightful surprises. And then I'll have a little celebration.

For now I just need to get through tomorrow.

p.s. I miss my family. Good thing I'll be seeing your faces soon.

Friday, April 2, 2010

popcorn popping

hello, future home

Finally made it across the Brooklyn Bridge on my last day in New York. Last day, for now. In one month it will be my permanent residence. More on that in a bit. Let me just say that the Brooklyn Bridge is AWESOME. I was joined by my good friends Carrie and Erin, who had also never been. There were too many tourists (blah) but the weather was great and the scenery is endlessly fascinating. It's a true education to be on the east coast. I love it. Really.

It became clear after about two weeks in NYC that my month there wasn't just a chance to earn a chunk of change, but an opportunity for me to get to know my new home. New York is my next destination...which could have only been decided in moments that are too personal to share on a blog. I'm grateful for the way life works out. This will be an exciting adventure! I'm back in DC for two weeks, then driving home to Utah, then taking up residence in North Manhattan the beginning of May.

Couldn't feel better about it.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

the birth of me and a thesis

It's done! Printed, bound, and mailed off.

Best. Feeling. Ever.

In other news...I turned 33! I spent the actual day of my birthday ironing the sheets of rich children. Then a few days later my friend Kim was in town from DC, so we met up with some other friends in New York and had a little celebration.

Kim found a gluten free risotto restaurant in the West Village. I LOVED it! I ate four breadsticks, a panini, and a cupcake.

Then we saw In the Heights on Broadway. Very fun.

Thirty-three years have been good to me.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

nyc and me

I walked about 65 blocks yesterday. Just me and this big old city. It was fabulous. I drifted to sleep on a cement ledge in front of the Metropolitan Opera House, across the courtyard from Juilliard and across the street from the Manhattan temple. It was a little surreal to lay there, with the sun beating on my face. I felt very small in this world. Central Park is only a block away from where I live and it really is the best part of Manhattan. I think I would freak if that little reprieve wasn't in the heart of it all.

Really loving NYC.

Friday, February 26, 2010

wield this

Thursday, February 25, 2010

start spreading the news...

I'm leaving for NYC on Monday!!!

Life takes some awesomely odd turns at times. I'll be in Manhattan for the next month...filling in as a nanny for a friend who needs to get home to Utah.

Delightful, isn't it?

"These streets will make you feel brand new, these lights will inspire you"

I could use some of that, Miss Keys.

I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

national cathedral

I think this is one of my favorite spots in DC. Every time I drive by I do a little gasp and crane my neck. Finally made it on a tour last Saturday and it was so lovely and peaceful. I recommend the audio tour--very well done and you can take as long as you want.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

hey lovers

We had testimony meeting today since church was cancelled last week due to two feet of snow. Our primary president got up to bear her testimony and said, "I'm so happy to bear my testimony on Valentine's Day because Jesus is my valentine...and I think I'm His valentine."

Which is exactly why this day is not lame for a single girl like me.

Additionally, I just had a three course fondue meal with Liz and Erin. Homemade, of course. It took us two hours to eat it. I like a meal you can commit some time to.

I love love.

And I love all of you.

Happy Valentine's!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Snowmageddon 2010

Another awesome name for a storm.

It was a little exciting to be stuck inside while we were pounded with two feet of snow. It's a nice feeling to know that all of your friends and neighbors are also stuck inside--maybe catching up on some very needed time at home. For a very busy city, it's probably good that it's forced to slow down once in a while.

And then about halfway through, we started hearing from friends who had lost their power and were freezing in their homes. The church was contacting members to see if they needed a ride to someone's house with power. My roommate's sister and family finally made it to a friend's house after a frigid night with two little toddlers.

All the sudden this nice little reprieve felt like a disaster. We started preparing ourselves in any way we could for a power outage--gathering emergency candles, flashlights, blankets, etc. Thankfully, we never lost our power, but 80,000 people are still without.

Twenty-three inches later, we trekked out of our house to see the results of Snowmageddon. It felt like we were at a ski resort. Tons of people were out shoveling their walks or pulling their kids on sleds or just walking around. It was a bit magical.

Now they're predicting another storm tomorrow that could bring 10-20 inches. As I was thinking about that and shoveling our walks this morning, I almost cried. I won't be able to get my car out for days because no plows come into our alleyway. Also, shoveling is really hard work. And we could still lose our power. And there's at least another ten inches on its way?

I can't wrap my mind around all of it right now.

But something tells me I would feel a lot better if Dad were here.

Monday, January 25, 2010

25 years ago this guy entered the world

I love you, little brother.

2010 Goals

#1 Graduate

#2 Touch my toes

In no particular order.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Elvis has left the building

Sometimes I think that I don't love Elvis that much anymore...and then I find Life magazine's classic illustrated biography in my stocking...and my fascination is rekindled. So it's only appropriate to mention his birthday today. You can probably find a number of bad Elvis movies on TV if that's your thing. Happy birthday to you, Mr. Presley.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

melt me

Sunday, December 20, 2009


That's what the Washington Post called our snowstorm this weekend. The pile below measured in at 17"!

I've seen storms like this my whole life, but it's crazytown to be part of something so unusual for the east. They don't know how to handle it. It's the worst December snowstorm in the history of DC. I went to the store on Friday night just as the snow was beginning and it was packed with people and the shelves were barren. It felt a little ominous. Everyone was pretty freaked out. Gratefully, I'm safe and warm in my little abode.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Thinking about Grandma Carla.
She's been gone 18 years today.
I miss her.
Love you, Grandma C.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Four awesome things

1. Rodney Yee, of Rodney Yee's AM Yoga. I can't do any of the moves, but the yoga part of this is not what I'm getting at. I'm just saying that Rodney Yee is really, really pleasant.

2. The birds and bees talk that Marni and Kasey had with their boys...and the fact that Kyle kept raising his hand to ask questions.

3. Christmas lights at the Washington DC temple. HEAVENLY!

4. The Dog Whisperer. Trust me. 

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Remember this?

Oh, how we loved Corky.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

i'm jobless.

and maybe lazy because i hate showering these days. hopefully it's not low-grade depression. just kidding, mom. it's snowing right now. our first snow. and it's pretty. they told me i am missed at work...i really needed to hear that. trekked out to see the national christmas tree last night. it was a little bit magical.

tis the season.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

For Dad

I feel like this is becoming nothing but a birthday blog.
So sue me. No, don't.

I love this Dad of mine. This morning I was thinking of time after time when he has been my rescuer. And how do I sufficiently express my gratitude? It seems impossible. So I'm listening to Neil Diamond because it reminds me of him and wearing the pink Elvis sweatshirt that he brought me from Graceland and tears are rolling down my cheeks as I whisper prayers of thanks for this gentle giant. I hope it's a wonderful birthday, Dad. I can't wait to see you soon!