Thursday, May 6, 2010

valleys and such

I made a road trip across America with my dear friend Erin. She was so kind to come with made for a really wonderful time. We covered a variety of important topics like: maybe the altar that Adam built is still intact at Adam-ondi-Ahman and we should just take pictures of many big rocks and assume that one of them is it. Beyond that, we talked a lot about what kind of snacks we had in the car and also came up with some half-baked theories about the lost ten tries of Israel. On our last leg we listened to a book on CD about the Gulag, Gobi desert, and Himalayas. It really helped us get through Wyoming, which is practically equivalent to the Gobi desert. That place is desolate (sorry Tetons and Wind Rivers--I'm sure you actually make up for all the lameness of your state.)

Has anyone else noticed that it's really difficult to find information on the location of Adam-Ondi-Ahman? Chew on that and know that I'll show up at that meeting no matter what because I burned the location into my brain. It's so, so beautiful.

THE altar. Guys, seriously!

Here I am getting dressed in the black robes of the false priesthood (oh, Hugh Nibley). I graduated from George Wythe University on April 24, 2010. It was a quaint and inspiring ceremony. I feel so grateful for my education at this little school. Oliver DeMille's mentoring changed my life. Check out some stuff he's involved with here and here.

Thanks to Mom and Dad and Amber for attending the ceremony. Also, thanks to Mom and Dad for being so encouraging when I went back to school. I never could have done it without your help. And thanks to Amber for being the first in our family to get a graduate degree. It really, really motivated me to keep at it...and you did it under much more challenging circumstances (namely 2 kids and one on the way). You're amazing, sis.

I had a very nice two weeks at home. Southern Utah is a dream...and so are those sweet nieces and nephews.

Then two days in DC with Mom, Dad, Darci, and Cheeks. I'm so glad Mom and Dad got to see where I lived and were able to attend my little ward. I will miss Capitol Hill!

Now I'm in New York...getting all settled and figuring out life in this city. I will just say that walking around Harlem is teaching me what it's like for a black person to live in Utah. There's a level of discomfort that you just have to adjust to...and I am. Did I mention that I heart NYC? Just like all those stupid t-shirts say. It's so great. Pictures of my apartment to come!


susie said...

Heath..I loved seeing the pictures, but it made me miss you more!

Petersen Family said...

So proud of you!