Sunday, April 19, 2009

Stuff I've been up to (from most recent to least recent)

Friend Renee was in town and was a maniac tourist. She saw stuff I haven't even seen yet. Here we are at the World War II Memorial. The weather is perfect in DC right now.

We had a private tour of the Capital from a lady in our ward, Sister Lantos. Her husband was a senator for years and years, so she seems to kind of do whatever she wants around that place. I adore this woman...and the tour was great.

For Easter we invited our friends over for a dinner.

A special Easter delight by our friend Allie.

One of the best concerts of my life: Beirut. They played at a Synagogue in Chinatown...and the concert just so happened to be the night of Passover. Fitting, yes?


Burke Family said... think you can just move out here and live this exciting, adventurous, fun-filled, and stimulating life?!!! I knew you would love it! Just don't forget about your boring sister a couple hours away.

susie said...

Wow, never a dull moment there! What good times you are having!