Sunday, April 5, 2009

New Age, New Job

It has been a happy couple of weeks. I turned 32 and celebrated the day by being in an airplane with Darci and Emri. Couldn't have asked for better company. When I got home, my roommates lit a pint of ice cream on fire and now here I am...a year older and hopefully wiser??

That next weekend I went to NYC with three friends--Liz, Kim, and our dear friend Erin who was visiting from Utah. There's something really odd about being in a car and thinking about how you're just driving to New it's no big deal. But it kind of is, right? Big cities have never been so accessible to this small town girl and I kind of love it. We stayed with a friend in Harlem, went to Chinatown, Wall Street, Battery Park, the Met, Times Square, saw Mary Poppins on Broadway (which was great), and went to church in Brooklyn. If you've been to both, you will know that there is a much different energy in New York than in DC. It feels harsher...and dirtier. But I love to visit.

We had a housewarming party this weekend...after three months in our was really just an excuse to have people over. I choose to think of it as a personal celebration of my new job!!!!!!!!! I was hired to be the Recreation Director at an independent living community. So, I get to plan activities for adorable old people and it's actually in my field of study. How does that happen? Miracles, folks. I have been on cloud nine.

If you squint, you'll see the Statue of Liberty in the background.

Erin next to her bust at the Met.

NYC subway with two of my very best friends.

Our spread for the housewarming party. Impressed?


Burke Family said...

I am so envious of your new job! You will be so great!!!!

Howling Pickup said...

On days like today (my boys are all screaming) I really envy your life!! I love you and am so excited for your new job. They will love you!