Monday, February 9, 2009

A word about my ward

I was asked to lead the music in church yesterday and when I looked out over the congregation I thought my heart was going to burst. I love this ward--these people. They are good and humble and endlessly interesting. Many are intellectuals, professionals, politicians, married women who have kept their own last name and wear dress pants to church. The rest are from the projects, not well-spoken, and wear jeans, sweatpants, Obama t-shirts and gold earings that say "God" to church. Sounds like a crowd that wouldn't mix, but they love each other and take care of each other in the most committed and amazing ways.

There's a black gentleman, a convert in his 30's, who wears a very large medallion of the cross with his suit every week. Yesterday when he knelt down to bless the sacrament, he said in the microphone, "Good mornin' brothers and sisters" and then proceeded with the sacrament prayer. Also, there's Joyce who throws her fist in the air and says "Amen" when the speakers say something she loves. And after the sunday school lesson yesterday, she went up to the teacher and said, "You are baaaaad!"

My bishop is great and also hilarious (and comes from good stock--Ezra Taft's grandson). He always has this kind of smile on his face that says, "This is an odd group and I love it." It is really amazing to see how all of these walks of life come together as saints. It makes me feel like I'm getting a taste of how the gospel REALLY works. They are invested in each other's salvation and it's beautiful. I feel very blessed to have this experience.


Burke Family said...

Sound like my kind of church!

susie said...

I really want to attend one of your meetings. It would never be boring......

Jess said...

Sounds like a great place Heather! I am so happy for you!