Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I told Mom today that thinking about moving to D.C. makes me feel like I do when I see those unnaturally large windmills in Spanish Fork Canyon. It seems so huge and mysterious that it's creepy. I may as well be moving to outerspace, which is where those windmills belong. I need to get there, so I can stop making up stories about how different it's going to be. It will probably be just like Price, except with about 500,000 more people, an underground public transportation system, museums that display more than railroads and dinosaurs, dudes my age, and way more corrupt politicians.

On another note, there are two things that I cannot make sense of lately: ice fishing and the Holy Trinity. Both are about equally unconvincing to me.

1 comment:

Burke Family said...

we are counting down the days until you get your cute little butt out here....can't wait. you may regret moving so close to us, and it may make us want to stay out here longer! price and the east coast are SO much alike.....you won't miss Price at all!