Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Uh-gen ("again" in Brendan's voice)

I don't know why blogging seems so impossible at times. Like I would basically need to be magical in order to do it. But, thankfully I am magical. So I'm least for now.

Update of the past two months:

I visited the East Coast and decided that I actually do want to live in a big city. Washington D.C. here I come. Highlight of the trip was being with Darci's family in Richmond. My favorite "kids say the darndest things" moment was when Shaydon told me that the prelude music at church was his favorite scary song. Then he said, "It's called 'Changing in the Night' and it's about a brownie that turns into a lizard."

I'm still working on my mentoring project. It's difficult. It's also profoundly healing.

Visited Amber and her family in Boise for Jonah's blessing. It made me realize that some of my favorite friends are five years old and younger.

Mom and I have been doing a lot of reading around the fireplace. I can't think of anything more dreamy. What I've learned from some recent reading:
1776 (still reading)--I love freedom...I really, really love it.
Mere Christianity--Christian life is both harder...and easier.
Anthem--The power of our will is unmeasured, but only brings happiness when it is swallowed up in the will of the Father.
Bonds that Make Us Free--Fear is a lie. In order to overcome, we have to be extremely vulnerable...with God and with others.
Alma--There is only one way to be delivered from bondage.

I started substitute teaching this week. On lunch duty, I found myself having conversations with kids at the lunch table that sounded exactly like Napoleon and Pedro. There was nothing I could do to stop it.

I've been organizing...a lot. I've realized that I'm passionate about simplicity. In one of my organizing frenzies, I went through all of my pictures and found one of my favorites:

This makes me happy.


Howling Pickup said...

Wow! Is Marni wearing glasses?

Burke Family said...

that's not marni it's krisell.
check out our moon boots, and amber's golden pants! we were so amazing back in the day.......what i wouldn't give to back just for a day.

Petersen Family said...

I actually remember that day. I think I took that picture. I sometimes wish I could go back.

Heather said...

Yes, Marni was taking the picture. I remember that day well. Let's do go back, can't we?