Tuesday, July 15, 2008

These are a few...

I'm leaving Cedar City. These are some favorites from my time in Southern Utah. It has been a pleasure.

My favorite hills to run in. Right in my backyard.
My favorite craft project.
Erin and I turned her bizarre crocheted doll into Bruce Springsteen...as a gift for our friend Todd who tortured her incessantly about never giving this doll away on principle that someone made it for her. It took a while to figure out how to re-gift it to him. Todd LOVES Bruce Springsteen.
My favorite family in Enoch: the Pattersons.
I spent a lot of time with these people...working, traveling, eating, very little sleeping.
My favorite date: GWC Spring Formal.
Instead of flowers, he showed up with fake tattoos.
Instead of a car, we rode his scooter.
My shelf of favorite books:
My favorite hike: Angel's Landing, Zion's National Park
My favorite memory: Sunday potlucks.
Some of the best food and conversation I've had.

Not least of all, my favorite place in Cedar: George Wythe College

A picture alone would not suffice. Instead, here is the website: http://www.gwc.edu/. This is the reason I've been in Cedar City for the past two years. I will graduate with a Master's Degree from this little college next year (after I finish my thesis). It has been a most challenging, intense, amazing, rewarding experience. I love this little school and its mission...so grateful to have found it.

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