Sunday, June 15, 2008

This dad is for me

Here's my dad on his most recent wild at heart adventure--bear hunting in Canada. He took one of his best friends, who he has known since before his mission. The two of them found out that they would be spending 8 hours a day, alone, in the woods, just sitting and waiting for a bear to take their bait. So they stopped at a gas station on their way to camp and my dad, who's not much of a reader, suggested they buy a book for their time in the forest. At the stand, he saw the "best seller" tag and with no other information, decided to buy that one. And off they went--all geared up for a very manly adventure. Turns out the book he bought was a romance novel. And he totally ate it up. Sittting in the woods, waiting to slaughter a big, black bear, he became completely enthralled with "M is for Mystery." I haven't heard him mention anything about his next hunt, but I have heard him mention that the sequel to the book will be out later this year.

Happy Father's day to my gentle giant dad.

The man above is the hard-working, salt of the earth type who grew up on a ranch in Nevada, going on cattle drives with his dad and uncles for days at a time; the authentic "I'm going to be real with you no matter who you are" type who went on a mission because he couldn't join the army and was failing out of school...and baptized over 100 people; the tenderhearted burly type who gives rides to hitchhikers and cries because he misses his grandkids and financially helps more people than I will ever be aware of. He's the hero hero...again and again. I love you Dad. So glad you are mine.

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