Sunday, September 6, 2009

Last time I was at Darci's home, we stayed up late talking in her big king size bed. For some reason my heart has relished in that moment over and over again. I spend a lot of time with friends who I think know me really well. But there's no ONE friend who played barbies with me every day in the summer, pulled weeds on the farm with me, woke up with me for 6:30 am scripture study, attended every last boring minute of my college graduation, put my crying head on their shoulder when my heartache was heavy, spent hours with me in hospital waiting rooms, went camping over and over again in the ridiculous heat of Lake Powell, slept in the same room with me on Christmas eve, understands the significance of Leatherby's caramel topping, knows that calling someone a "weasel" is a compliment, will miss me if I'm not at their child's baptism, will laugh to tears at childhood memories, will know me as a mom...and a grandma.

These sisters and brothers of mine will know me longer than any other person on earth...and that fills my heart will a rush of tenderness.

Happy Birthday to one of those constants in my life--Darci Lee. I'm so glad you are only a hop, skip, and jump away. It really helps me face this big old city. And this big old life. Thanks for your overwhelming beauty--inside and out. You are one of the most authentic people that I know. I love you, sister.


Burke Family said... made my day. That was better than any present ever. thank you, thank you.

susie said...

I loved reading this post. It makes a mom very happy knowing her kids love each other so much.