Saturday, August 29, 2009

LOTR Forever

Sorry my last post was so exceedingly boring. But listen, life is filled with a lot of not so tantalizing things.

This announcement, however, is on the opposite end of boring. I'm about five years behind the times, but I wanted to tell the world (or the three people who read this blog) that I'm obsessed with "Lord of the Rings"!!

Good vs. Evil? Check
Plenty of symbolism? Check
Beautiful scenery? Check
True and good relationships? Check
Masculine energy? Check, Check, Check

I don't know what I was spending my time on when this was all the rage...probably working through some kind of quarter life angst and listening to a lot of subdued folk music.

However, life is in its proper place in many ways and that includes the pure enjoyment of a good story and Aragorn's face.

Oh, joy...


Burke Family said...

Come to my house.... I will make caramel popcorn and we can have a Lord of the Rings marathon!!! I am sure you will fall asleep within the first 10 min, but I will wake you during the Aragon parts.

susie said...


Heather said...

i'll be there tomorrow, sister.

Jess said...

Those were the days!! I still want to visit New Zealand because of my obsession at one time. It has subsided, but I do love Aragon!