Saturday, May 9, 2009

Mother's Day

Yesterday at work one of the receptionists was saying Happy Mother's Day to everyone--women and men included. It seemed awkward at first, but in the end I appreciate her all inclusive joy about it. I think I am surrounded by the best of mothers. Some of them have never born children. Most of them unnecessarily worry about the quality of their mothering. All of them have impacted my heart in the most tender ways...

Happy Mother's Day to some of my favorite mothers. They are wives to my dad, my brothers, and my brothers-in-law, they are mommies and grandma to brothers and sisters that I adore and to the most beautiful nieces and nephews, they make me believe that I can accomplish anything, and I never feel left out when we are together...even though I don't yet share in the most important part of mothering.

I love you all!


susie said...

Heather, you are so dang lovable.
You bring me such joy. Thanks for the beautiful tribute. Love you, Mom

Burke Family said...

Heather there aren't enough words to describe how great you are. I often say to myself that I want to be a mom like you. You have been such a great "mom" to my kids and an answered prayer many, many times. Thank, Thank you for being my sister.......we are so lucky to have you.

Howling Pickup said...

Once again, I am weeping after reading your blog. You are so sweet. Thank you for being a mom in your own unique and amazing way. You are helping so many others feel a motherly love and inspiring them to discover their own mothering power. I love you!

Petersen Family said...

Heather, you are truly the greatest!