Saturday, April 25, 2009

Dutch Bike Dutch

Today I biked 30 miles through Amish country in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. It is some of the most beautiful country I have ever seen. I didn't take nearly enough photos. I want to live there--minus the pioneer clothing. Also, I thought I was going to die at one point. To quote Darci, my "arse" is sore...and multiple other parts of my body. It was completely worth it, though. I'm a happy person tonight.


Burke Family said...

what the hell! 30 miles......that is amazing! looks beautiful!

Hoggan and Julie said...

You are amazing. 30 Miles I wouldn't even be able to breathe. Pennsylvania is beautiful throughout I could live there too. I love your blog, talk about knowing someone wiser. You are one of the wisest. Zach and Tiff will be in DC probably by Monday. I am glad you will be there it makes me feel better knowing you are in the same city.

susie said...

Wow are so much like your mother (NOT)! What a great time you are having, in such beautiful places. I hope your hiney gets feeling better! Love you, Love you.

Howling Pickup said...

I wouldn't be able to walk for a month if I rode a bike for 30 miles! You are awesome! I love your life and I love you.

Krisell said...

Hey Heath!! You are good to ride 30 miles. I would so DIE! I would love to come and ride it with you though and see that beautiful country! We stayed in Pennsylvania when we went to New York. I LOVED it. It looks like you are really enjoying yourself.
I miss you! Love ya!